Saturday, August 30, 2014


 Image result for snider mountain ranch photos

I know it's been quite some time, but God is working His miracles again in our lives.  In the next few months we will be once again transitioning our ministry.

It's going to be unique and fun so please stay tuned for what is coming. 

Sunday, January 5, 2014

He Did You a Favor

Some guy has taken a giant sledgehammer to your heart and you have to
clean up the mess. You hurt, big-time. You feel alone, scraping for answers
in the bottom of your third tub of "Chocolate Therapy" ice cream. You think

you'll never find anyone as good as he was, e-ver.

But what if... he did you a favor?

He Did You a Favor is an empowering, humorous, hands-on guide
with straight talk and advice to help you break away from Mr. So Very Wrong
and break through to the life you desire.

This book is written to help women, ladies to realize that they are special and are worthy.   It’s to help them learn how to deal with break ups, whether it’s a divorce, separation or ending a relationship.
Ms. Rogers brings women from the point of where they feel like “rubbish” or unwanted to the potential that God wants of them.
I do appreciate that this is written from Ms. Rogers own experience, and that gains the readers trust and gives them the feeling that they aren’t alone in this situation. 
I like the tips that are given in this book, and the one quote” So, what if the guy who dumped you did you a huge favor? That, in fact he helped you (even if it wasn’t intentional) because your relationship with him was complete and it was time to move on to someone better?”  Great thought, and very true, you don’t want to get stuck with someone who will in the long run bring you down in life.
If you or know of anyone going through a breakup this is an excellent book to help you through it.  It is full of many “helps” and good pointers.

I  received this book free from the publisher . I was not required to write a positive review and the opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

Is Sunday School Destroying Our Kids?

People in the world often reject Christianity simply because they can't distinguish it from mere morality. The world needs morality--oppression thrives when consciences are abandoned--but we need more than that alone. We need the gospel of grace. A gospel that has largely been lost amid the dos and don'ts and preoccupations of religious culture. 

People often pit grace against moralism. And they should. Moralism circumvents heart-changed morality. We need moral men and women, but moralism damages the foundation of heart-change. 

It's okay to pit grace against moralism, but let's not pit grace against morality. Grace is the source of real morality, and grace--thank God!--breaks the bars of moralism that imprison us. 

Is Sunday School Destroying Our Kids? exposes moralism for its false pretensions--the sham that it is--and it moves our hearts to believe the gospel, for the first, or the hundred-and-first, time. 

This was an interesting book, full of very good points.   One thing to remember and the author even quotes it, this is not a book about Sunday school. 
It is more of an approach to grace, and how we need it; we need to show it and it needs to be given to us.  The world would function much better if grace abounded.  Unfortunately that is not the case in the secular society, much less the Christian society we live in today.
I do believe that this is the thought the author is trying to convey in this book.

I  received this book free from the publisher . I was not required to write a positive review and the opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”